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Yoga students in a studio reaching behind their back to grab their foot  while in a low lunge.


at Yoga Landing in Downtown Chattanooga

All are welcome at

Yoga Landing

When you walk in our doors, our hope is that you feel welcome, seen, and known. We know that it takes great effort to start and sustain a yoga practice; we know it is worth it and we know that YOU are worth it. 


Whether you're a seasoned yoga practitioner or you've never stepped foot on a yoga mat, we hope Yoga Landing becomes your sacred space to take care of yourself and enjoy the good company of your fellow students.

Yoga At Home

Take Yoga Landing with you anywhere!

YogaLanding December 5th-92.jpg

Virtual Schedule

Practice at home or on the go with our virtual live classes.

Immerse Yourself

Grow Deeper in Your Practice with Our Workshops

A Musical & Vocal Exploration of Bhakti Yoga // Workshop Series

6 CE hours

Spring Sound Meditation

1 CE Hour

Head Below Heart // Inversions Immersion Weekend

15 CE hours available

Lifelong Learning

Deepen your yoga practice so you can share with others


 Our Yoga Alliance Certified 200 hour Teacher Training will foster an insightful awareness of the body, mind, and spirit connection through the ancient science and art of yoga.


This Yoga Alliance Certified 300 hour Teacher Training Program will expand upon your foundational knowledge by covering advanced and comprehensive topics.

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